


  • 11 comments • reddit.com

    For whatever reason I swear this never comes up but Sonarr/Radarr integration with siri voice assistants is something that I wanted for a while.

    Well I finally had time over the break to do it right for myself - dockerized on my services host and remotely accessible - and I have to say, I think it’s an absolutely killer feature.

    Sonarr demo - https://streamable.com/2qxgsf

    Radarr demo - https://streamable.com/q6f8vf

    Finding that maybe it’s not necessary to have every movie and tv show ever already on hand if all you have to do is ask for it anywhere in the world and open plex 5 minutes later. Works perfect on iphone/apple watch/homepod. Heck, if you throw a homepod in a common area everybody can enjoy the same power that we’re all used to, a la plex requests/ombi but simple enough for a 5 year old to use.

  • 53 comments • reddit.com

    I have 31 seasons of SNL totaling out to around 500GB of disk space, I’m curious to know everyone else’s largest show.

  • 21 comments • reddit.com

    I know that h265 encoding is more efficient and can result in smaller file sizes. So, when downloading a file, I assume the quality of a h265 video would be better than a h264 video of the same file size.

    At what point does it make sense to go with h264 instead when only quality is concerned? I imagine that a 5GB h264 wouldn’t be much better than a 4GB h265. But I also imagine that a 25GB h264 would be better than a 4GB h265. Is there a rule of thumb to go along with when trying to compare which video would produce a better quality?

    I ask this because I have auto-upgrades on, and I notice that Radarr tries to replace a ~6.5GB h264 video with a ~1.6GB h265. Not sure if there will be quality decreases because of this, and I don’t want to need to watch through all the upgraded videos to see if I can tell a difference.

    (At the moment I’m not concerned with 4K, although I’d be interested to learn if the same answer would apply to 4K.)

  • 27 comments • reddit.com

    Hi y´all, need some help.

    Im new using radarr and de other ARR´s and im having some trouble the radarr and duplicated movies.

    I use Transmission to donwload and send the movie directly to the “/movie” folder i created, but after the download is completed the movie got duplicated, keeping the original folder and the new/renamed folder from Radarr.

    I dont know what im missing where.

    Other informaction that can help:

    I set download to the “final folder” eg movie is download to /movies/the movie

    I dont use and dont understand the Remote Path Mapping in the Download Clients section.

    Can someone help me?