


  • 290 comments • reddit.com

    Doesn’t have to be one that came out this year, just one you’ve read this year! Mine is Chasm City

  • 128 comments • reddit.com

    What are some of the best stories that got snubbed by both the Hugo and Nebula Awards?

    Here’s mine: I’m surprised that not a single entry from The Dark Tower series by Stephen King got a nomination. Surely just a token inclusion in a “this is significant enough to acknowledge, even though we’re probably not going to vote for it” kind of way, no?

  • 78 comments • reddit.com

    In the mood for a big, epic space opera and this one is on all the recommendation lists. I’m not new to PFH - I read the Nights Dawn trilogy a long time ago and remember liking it. These are two behemoth books though so I’m wondering if they’re worth the effort. Is PFH still a horny old man?

  • 58 comments • reddit.com

    What I mean by this is, a good chunk of cosmic horror stories, perhaps owing to their humble beginnings with writers like Lovecraft himself, tend to only focus on a small group of people or a little village or town and we are only left to imagine what effects the eldritch beings are having on the world outside.

    I’m looking for examples of stories where the scale is expanded to see how it effects humanity as a whole, particularly if they’ve managed to expand into outer space and what happens when beings beyond comprehension come and fuck with entire planets and star systems.

  • r/television
